2024! (New Derivations)



Time for my annual winter card. As usual, the image begins with a recent work; often digitally manipulated to create a derivation or variant. The process, using many complex photo editing software tools, is an exploration involving a deep, intuitive visual play. This year’s DERIVATION #28 takes off from EXTRAPOLATION #28, sixth in the recent WINTER EXTRAPOLATIONS SERIES.

Below the image is the accompanying poem.




What is to be done?
Hold tight
in these roiling days
stand up
in these teeming nights
speak truths
seek light.

Mit kellene tenni?
Kapaszkodj erősen
E zűrzavaros napokban
állj fel
E nyüzsgő éjszakákban
mondj igazságokat
keress fényt.



– Diane Sophrin
  Montpelier, Vermont (12.24.23)


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